One Emerging Artist You Should Know About: Mark Cesarik

While you won’t find Chicago based artist, Mark Cesarik posting regular selfies on his Instagram, you will find him in his studio daily.
“I’ve Never Been More Motivated In My Life”
Like other great artists, his passion started early. His innate desire of putting pen on paper, even if it was just to doodle in class, led him deeper into the art world as his life progressed.
“I got into doodling more and more. Then comic books and other things started to take shape from there.”
He later attended The Art Institute of Chicago, where he immersed himself in painting as well as graphic design. Mark has now been painting for 20 years but more recently he’s found a unique style that he's elevated. Mixing late 80’s graffiti with long forgotten moments, such as imagery from the great depression.
'Ladies Night'
A modernized version of a 1935 photograph with three women modeling dust bowl masks. The term “Dust Bowl” was a name given to the Great Plains during the 1930’s. A decade of drought and soil erosion led to huge dust storms forming. This made living in the area very difficult at the time.
'Brace For Impact'
“I like to describe my work as a figurative urban landscape of decay and graffiti.”
Although Mark’s signature style will always be evolving, it's clear that he’s found a genre that speaks to both him and others. When mentioning his style of work, the term “Modern Vintage” is thrown around, which many seem to agree is a fitting for his recent collection of work. Traditionally an oil painter, but over the past few months Mark has began to incorporate spray paint into his work.
“I want to keep making work and keep progressing. I really want to be good at my craft. I’m going to paint for the rest of my life. Meeting other artists this past year has been motivating for me to elevate my style. I’d also like to keep the door open for my son, James to learn more about if he’s interested.”
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