Chicago Artist RAWOOH Debuts First Solo Show Ever

A journey that began over 15 years ago has now brought him to a pinnacle point in his career. He's doing his first solo show ever. Instead of having it at a gallery, the show is taking place in a rather nontraditional setting. You see Rawooh doesn't just paint on canvas. In fact, he paints on almost all imaginable surfaces. Growing up he use to spend countless nights as a graffiti writer, spray painting on the sides of buildings. Over time, the font evolved into imagery that became more and more captivating. So, in some way, buildings became his canvas.
Rawooh: A wide range of work. From concept drawings on napkins I do at bars to large scale pieces using aerosol and everything in between.
AR: Having over a decade of experience do you feel like a solo show is long over due or perfect timing?
Rawooh: I think it's good timing. I've kinda done less shows, choosing to opt out of the system for awhile. Only because a lot of my artwork is private commission based. There are images I've had in my head and a lot of work that I've created in my spare time over the years. I believe this will be a good outlet for my ideas in a unique space. I'm looking forward to seeing both worlds collide, being that it's also a bit of a car show. I've always enjoyed making art and being a part of group shows here and there. It is a bit of safety net though, when you're not the only artist featured in a show. Which typically is a good thing. However, I think it's time I remove the safety net and show my abilities as a solo act.
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